At Facebook we created a fan page of Motofutto (· ∀ ·)
of everyone “Asking Price!” We look forward to!
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New tires are in stock one by one! It is!
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SUPER! Vehicle inspection great popularity reception on the spot!
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introduction in at blog ( ‘∀`) Roh http://www.motofoot.co.jp/?cat=11
Tire mail order exclusive site has been completed!
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We will also receive support for accident resolution at our shop!
From accident car tower to accident counseling, estimate creation, repair all to Moto Fut! It is!
We will also offer proxy car during repair!
Accident counseling is accepted from time to time so please contact our customers if you need help! It is!
Hello (‘∀ `*)
The world is crowded with Pokemon GO!
Is there a spot near Mottofoot …?
I am looking forward to seeing it! It is!
Today is Mr. Y’s introduction coming with MV Agusta F3!

Special price It worked in Rosso Corsa! It is!
Since the special price Rossokorusa We have gotten very popular,
those who work hope Tsu please contact us as soon as possible! It is!
Caliper of breeder cap was gone if you notice
or do not have such a thing? Is it?
We are preparing a breeder cap of Keijima at our shop
It will be fashionable at your feet ♪
If you are interested please contact us (‘∀ `*)
TEL: 042-740-2266
Please register our shop mail magazine from the following!
Just fill in your email address and press the register button (^ ^)!
(If it is unnecessary that our newsletter other than our e-mail magazine that will be automatically registered at the same time, it is very sorry to trouble you, but please cancel from the registration cancellation menu which is delivered below.